Update the firmware manually on different variants of the same phone model

by Mus Tofa

(extreme/unsafe method that blocks updates)

Before making extreme changes, made a full backup of your partitions:

Even it is the same device, different location have different treatment of OTA firmware update. One location have it, another have not. So this trick I used on Advan Hape Online to update it firmware.



  1. Ask your friend who have same device in another location which already have firmware update notice, to download the firmware but don’t install yet;

  2. Again, ask your friend to search file update.zip in the memoy card using file manager. Because the file is in folder Memory card/fota which is hidden so you have to search to get it, and ask him to copy the update.zip file to other location and ask to send it to you via email or wa however you want;

  3. Now you have the file firmware upadate.zip, If your phone recovery have menu “install/update zip from sdcard”, use that menu to install the firmware. But if the phone don’t have that menu than use the adb sideload

But if its not enough, here another way:

  1. Place update.zip file on your phone root memory card not in the folder. Copy it to another location for backup purpose. Because once the file is flashed, it will be deleted by the recovery;

  2. Back to pc, for adbrooted phone:

a) Create text file named: command

b) Add this line to the text file:



c) Connect the phone which have adb enabled to pc

d) Open terminal, cd to where command file located

e) Type:

adb shell “mount -o remount,rw /cache”

adb shell “mkdir /cache/recovery”

adb push command /cache/recovery

adb shell “chmod 755 /cache/recovery/command”

adb reboot recovery

Automatically the recovery will flash the update.zip file.

For phones that not have adbroot but have fastboot acces

a) Download this cache.img which I created:


b) Flash it with fastboot:

adb flash cache cache-fw.img

c) Alternativeally for mediatek phone you can use spflashtool to flash cache-fw.img, you can find scatter.txt file in update.zip

d) Enter recovery mode with combination button # and power or * and power but if the combination not work you can use the way like tutorial for jailbreak cache injection

e) Automatically the recovery will flash the update.zip file. Done